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Are you tired of your device often running out of storage space? Take a look at MyTrendyPhone's large selection of memory cards for your mobile, camera or other devices - at great prices! Our selection is packed with a wide range of memory cards from SanDisk, Kingston, Samsung m.m. We also offer a range of USB connectors in several different sizes, so take a look!

Memory Card

Memory Cards on MyTrendyPhone – Find Everything You Need

Imagine this – just as you are about to take another picture of a beautiful tropical beach, or your child's birthday, a warning appears on your phone or camera's screen: not enough storage space! Luckily, this can be easily avoided if you add a memory card to it. Nowadays, cards are used for a number of devices: mobile phones, digital cameras, video cameras, MP3 players, PDAs, etc. On MyTrendyPhone, you will find a wide range of memory cards, in different price ranges, so all you have to do is choose the right type, place the card in your phone or another gadget, and expand its built-in storage. Space saved!

What Types of Memory Cards Are There?

There are different types of memory cards out there, but the ones you are most likely familiar with are SD cards (short for Secure Digital), which are designed to securely store your data. They are probably the most common ones among users worldwide as they can be used in cameras and various types of mobile phones, and some computers, laptops, and TVs that also have pre-installed SD drives. They are available in three different sizes: 1. Standard SD – the size of a post stamp. 2. MicroSD – a type of an SD card, only smaller, usually used for mobile phones and similar devices. 3. MiniSD – even smaller than microSD and also used for mobile phones. They are divided into two types: Secure Digital High Capacity (SDHC) and Secure Digital Extended Capacity (SDXC). SDHC brought storage options up to 32GB, while the SDXC family supports cards up to 2TB. Bear in mind that not all devices can use high-capacity SD cards, so before purchasing one, check whether it is compatible with the card of your choice.

Explore Card Speed and Capacity Options with MyTrendyPhone

You have probably seen websites talking about read and write speeds, and you might know what these are, but we will go over it once more just in case. Read speed is how fast data can be retrieved from a card. For example, a faster read speed will transfer pictures to your computer faster (however, this also depends on how your SD card is connected to your computer, and your hard drive's performance). Write speed is how fast images can be stored on a card, which is important when shooting multiple images at the same time, recording HD videos, or using high-resolution cameras that can take extremely large photos. As for capacity, you should choose one that responds to your wishes and needs. MyTrendyPhone has a large selection of cards that can expand your device's storage from 2GB up to 256GB. It all depends on how many photos, music, and other files you are planning to save and keep on your phone, camera, etc.

MyTrendyPhone Also Offers Card Adapters and Readers

Card readers and adapters can come in handy when you need to transfer data without using a USB cable. How do adapters work? You insert your card into the adapter, and then put the adapter into the appropriate port on your laptop, as you cannot insert the card directly into your laptop. What about readers? A number of computers and printers have built-in memory card readers, but if you use more than one type of memory card on a regular basis, it is probably worth investing in a multi card reader that accepts multiple card types and styles.